The Hybrid hull has evolved from the Greenline signature hull design called Superdisplacement which incorporates some of the properties of a modern sailing boat hull that moves through the water with the least amount of drag and exceeds the theoretical speed of the hull that is defined by the length of the waterline.

Hybrid hull is a natural evolution of the Superdisplacement as it enables cruising at higher speeds while still maintaining optimal consumtption and stability at lower cruising speeds. The Hybrid hull allows for smooth and stabile cruising at 10, 12, 16, 20, 25 and even 30 knots. This way the owner can choose from the range of engines offered – the power of the engines defines the cruising speed without having to compromise the safety, stability or consumption levels of your Greenline.


The reduced energy requirement means less running cost, less refueling stops and more time in your favorite anchorage or cruising archipelago.

The hulls are outstandingly efficient throughout their speed range, bringing unbeatable mileage and range of over 700 nautical miles at a speed of 7 knots. This, combined with a top speed up to 15 knots, makes long day trips a breeze. The electric drive mode will not only allow to cruising in complete silence at speeds of up to 6 knots, but also offer a range of up to 20 nautical miles, before the diesel motor is required.

Besides being efficient, the Superdisplacement hull shows optimum performance in all sea conditions – an important factor for comfort and safety when underway. The Greenline manages any kind of sea situation with ease, needing only minor corrections at the helm.

The twin sacrificial stabilisers are a further advantage of this hull, and have three functions: they deliver roll stability, tracking stability, and protect the drive and rudder. If the stabilisers get damaged, the structure of the boat will not be affected. The fins can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.


  • comfortable, safe ride
  • easy manoeuvring
  • low running costs

The solar roof array keeps the batteries fully charged and provides additional energy for the boat’s electric drive system. No-cost and emission-free navigation is possible at low speed where the amount of energy harvested from the sun and the system’s energy consumption are equal, making the Greenline Yachts a solar vessel.


6 standard photovoltaic solar panels with forced air cooling deliver up to 1.4 kW of electric power in daylight conditions.

As the solar cells are protected against hail by a 3.2 mm glass shield and are easy to access for cleaning, your solar power station requires only minimal maintenance. It is capable of supplying constant power to on-board consumers like the refrigerator and TVs and can recharge the batteries to 100% when exposed to a full day of sunlight.


  • green energy production
  • cost and emission-free sailing
  • no maintenance

Greenline Yachts can collect, store and use electrical energy from the sun, from the shore connection or from the main engine driven generator. With a solar array and a Hybrid drive electric unit the yacht is a mobile power station providing a constant supply of AC power (230 or 120 VAC) on board.


The user-friendly and reliable hybrid drive system (protected) consists of the following elements:

  • A single switch that lets you choose between two drive modes: diesel or electric.
  • A modern, low emission diesel engine.
  • A fully electronically managed and maintenance-free electric motor/generator (eM/G), which consumes 7 kW in the electric drive mode and provides 5 kW of electrical power when driven by the diesel engine (charging the batteries and supplying power to on-board consumers). The two components are integrated into one unit, thereby saving space and weight. The eM/G is coupled to a special  gearbox specifically developed together with our well chosen partners.
  • A hydraulic clutch between the diesel engine and the electric motor/generator
  • A 3 kW inverter/charger that charges the battery in the shore power mode and delivers a 230 V AC power supply throughout the boat at all times.
  • A 1.4 kW solar array delivering green electric power to the batteries during daytime. No cost and emission-free sailing is possible at low speed
  • A Lithium battery pack (same as the one driving your mobile phone or laptop computer) with a capacity of 12 kWh. Lightweight and compact (seven times lighter and one third of lead battery size) these batteries are rated at thousands of cycles. With a life expectancy of 10 years they represent the best choice for a hybrid boat.


  • simple maintenance
  • ease of use
  • use of electric energy for propulsion: the running cost of electric boating is 10 times less than burning diesel fuel, even disregarding solar energy
  • eliminating smoke and noise
  • 230 (120) VAC power system

Just like your mobile phone or laptop computer, the Greenline Yachts uses the best lithium battery technology available:


Rated at thousands of charge cycles, these batteries outperform lead battery types by a factor of five to six. Very powerful, light-weight (7 times lighter, 1/3 of normal battery size) and maintenance-free, these batteries are the best choice for your hybrid boat.


  • low maintenance
  • ease of use
  • more time spent out on the water, whether cruising or at anchor
  • estimated 10 years life expectancy
  • lightweight and compact
A Greenline Yacht cruising on the water. The solar roof is clearly visible. Technology That Makes Greenline Yachts Truly Unique In Yacht Design
3 Greenline Yacht cruising on the water side by side. The solar roof of each Boat is clearly visible.Shaping the Future of Resposible Boating.
Yacht pictures. A Greenline Yacht cruising on the water.

The protected hybrid system features four modes of operation with a simple and easy to use control system. User interface is as simple as pushing a button switching between Diesel and Electric modes of navigation.

Shaping the Future of Resposible Boating. A graph showing the technical details of the Protected Hybrid (Diesel/Electric) Propulsion System - At the dock.

At the dock

the boat is plugged into the 230 V (120 V) AC shore power supply. The battery pack is under charge and the inverter provides AC power to run home appliances like the fridge, TVs, etc.

Shaping the Future of Resposible Boating. A graph showing the technical details of the Protected Hybrid (Diesel/Electric) Propulsion System - in electric drive mode.

In electric drive mode

the boat is powered by the electric motor/generator eM/G, which produces electricity. This mode is used to navigate in and out of a marina or anchorage with no noise, no smoke and an insignificant wake. At 4 knots a fully charged battery pack provides a range of up to 20 miles.

Shaping the Future of Resposible Boating. A graph showing the technical details of the Protected Hybrid (Diesel/Electric) Propulsion System - in diesel drive mode.

In diesel drive mode

the diesel engine propels the boat and drives the alternator, which recharges the battery pack.

Shaping the Future of Resposible Boating.. A graph showing the technical details of the Protected Hybrid (Diesel/Electric) Propulsion System - at anchor.

At anchor

the solar roof array charges the batteries, which provide a 230 V AC power supply to the appliances via an inverter. If the level of battery charge drops below a set value, the diesel engine is switched on in order to charge the battery pack. The propeller is disengaged (the gearbox is in neutral). This is the anchor charge mode.